Reading is a source of knowledge because through reading we
can learn a variety of knowledge. The practice of reading among school students
is at such a disappointing level, especially in rural areas. Reading can help
improve a person's knowledge, especially in identifying interests, deepening
self-understanding and also learning about human processes. By reading we can
make a big impact in life especially in the field of education. Reading
problems can affect students’ performance in all their subjects. So, what are
the causes of students' lack of interest in reading?
First and foremost, the attitude of parents who give too much freedom to their children to make any decisions. This action is very inappropriate because parents need to monitor all their children's actions and know their every action. It will cause them to experience difficulty in reading while at school and further make it difficult for teachers to continue learning because they need to focus on students who do not know how to read. Indirectly, this situation reflects the failure of parents in shaping and educating their children to read.
Moreover, the cause of school students' lack of interest in reading is due to the influence of television shows. The existence of television has become one of the main electronic devices in a home. Nowadays, they can surf the internet by using television at home and they can even watch various world broadcasts without restrictions and borders. This causes them not to be interested in reading because they are more interested in broadcasts on television.
Lastly, the influence of peers is also a factor that
encourages students not to be interested in reading. This is because friends
are the closest individuals to students when they are at school. Students trust
their friends more than others including parents and teachers. As a result,
when they make friends with students who are not interested in reading, they
will also be influenced and follow the attitude of their friends.
In conclusion, I agree that parents who give to much freedom to their children, the influence of television shows and influence of peers are the causes of the lack of interest in reading among students. I believed that the interest in reading cannot
be forced in various ways, but the interest in reading can be nurtured and
instilled in the young generation so that it becomes a beneficial hobby for
them. Therefore, all parties are responsible for ensuring students to have
an interest in reading because early education guarantees the future of our